Author Archives: Ronnie Cole

Sucking at life…

how to stop sucking at life

Is there such a thing as sucking at life? I think for each individual our standards are different. For me, it’s impossible to suck at life because I’m not bothered with trying to impress anyone. I just do what I enjoy and leave life simple. Other I know try so hard to be some kind of “success” and get mad at themselves if they don’t do what they planned. Most of the time it’s their own fault that they don’t get the girl or the job they planned, and so they say “I suck at life.”

But what if their goal had simply been to pay rent and smile at least once per day. In those terms, they would be very good at life. So i guess the moral of this story is to stop beating yourself up for sucking at something that is only subjective. Why not make life simple? Because you rock at life!

What I Do On My Spare Time

Hello, I’m Ronnie, and you probably don’t care but I’m gonna tell you what I do on my spare time anyways. I mostly like to play World of Warcraft and go fishing with my brother. When I’m not doing those two things I’m usually… how about I just make a list for you to read all my favorite things to do that waste time.

A List of Things I Do To Waste Time

  1. Play WoW
  2. Go fishing
  3. BBQ
  4. Scroll on Twitter and argue with lesbians
  5. Read comic books
  6. Watch Netflix
  7. Stare at the wall
  8. Eat chicken
  9. That’s about it.

As you can see my life is fairly boring. Don’t get me started on what I do when I don’t have spare time. That’ll be a whole other post which will be even more boring than this one. If you still want to know more about me go here.

Bye for now.

The Random Blog by Ronnie

ronnie blog

Welcome to Ronnie’s blog of whatever he feels like at the time. I’m Ronnie! But you can call me Ron. Or whatever you like. That’s the benefit of my blog. It’s random here. One day I might talk about fairies and another day I might talk about trucks, but I could be wrong. I plan to surprise myself just as much as my readers, as I write whatever I feel like.

Today is an introduction to what the future beholds – random!

So with all that said I hope you stick around. It’ll be an adventure.