Category Archives: Feelings

I Can’t Wait For Normalcy, NEVER FORGET!

When I brought up the word “normalcy” with a dear friend the other day I was very perturbed to hear them say “I forgot what normal even is.” Well, let me be the last one to remember, whatever it takes! I’ll never forget what life used to be like before the COVID-19 pandemic. Canada was a free country. Now, it seems we’re on the verge of being a communist dictatorship. The best I can do from the safety of my alcove is inspire hope and remind people of what Canada used to be before these crazy mandates restricted our freedom.

I can’t wait to walk into a grocery store without a mask on my face. I can’t wait to go to a movie theater without proof of vaccination. I am so excited for Canada to become Canada again!

Sucking at life…

how to stop sucking at life

Is there such a thing as sucking at life? I think for each individual our standards are different. For me, it’s impossible to suck at life because I’m not bothered with trying to impress anyone. I just do what I enjoy and leave life simple. Other I know try so hard to be some kind of “success” and get mad at themselves if they don’t do what they planned. Most of the time it’s their own fault that they don’t get the girl or the job they planned, and so they say “I suck at life.”

But what if their goal had simply been to pay rent and smile at least once per day. In those terms, they would be very good at life. So i guess the moral of this story is to stop beating yourself up for sucking at something that is only subjective. Why not make life simple? Because you rock at life!