Tag Archives: ronnies blog 2023

What the New Year Brings to Ronnie’s Blog

ronnies blog 2023

Hey, Ronnie here. A fresh year is upon us and I personally have been doing a lot of thinking, especially when it comes to what I wish to accomplish with my blog in 2023.

I sat and thought for a while, and thought of these 5 things I wish to do more of in 2023:

  1. Eat less sugar (learn more here) and talk about healthier alternatives to sugar-consumption.
  2. To interview more guests from interesting fields of profession.
  3. To be more humorous and offer a place where the seriousness of the world can be happily ignored.
  4. To attempt at writing a blog post in one of the three foreign languages I’ve been studying: French, Spanish or Italian.
  5. Make sure the information I’m providing is true and accurate.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Ronnie signing out!