So I moved to Saskatoon…

a photo showing the view of Saskatoon from the sjy

Remember that exciting New Year’s post I made? Well, yeah… I haven’t interviewed any guests yet nor have I posted every month but I have stopped eating sugar. And, hey, I moved to Saskatoon. It’s not as exciting as you think, and I doubt you think it’s very exciting. That says something. Right?

I moved to Saskatoon because I got a job offer. I make more money than where I used to live, but this city has been, well, strange so far. The Canadian Province of Saskatchewan is very pretty, but I’m not used to the landscape yet. The people are cool, but I guess I’m used to a different crowd – one more hipster, less old school. Recently I’ve come to the truth that it’s I who needs to adjust instead of judging everyone here. Saskatoon was Saskatoon before I came and it’s going to be Saskatoon when I leave…

And, no, my job offer was not writing for a blog, obviously. But I do work from home now, half of the time, which is nice. For someone who is home a lot you might expect I’d blog more often, but a lot has been going on.

First of all, I have roommates. And one of them is a thief. He’s driving me crazy (and I hope he reads this!) He’s not one of those real thieves and doesn’t go in my room or anything, but he drank all my cream and still hasn’t replaced my cornflakes! I make more money now but that doesn’t mean I can afford to feed a mooch.

Anyway, there’s that other thing. Oh yeah, I had no fridge for two weeks! Our fridge stopped running, not literally because it doesn’t have legs but you know what I mean. It stopped being cold. I could’ve got it fixed a lot sooner, but my roommates kept arguing over who should pay for it. Finally, I agreed to pay for the cost if my roommates paid me back. But we all know “you know who” isn’t going to pay me back. At least I got my cold brew coffee back in the fridge (or I wouldn’t be writing this.)

Once my roommates and I agreed on a plan, I saw this hilarious ad after searching for appliance repair companies in Saskatoon and just had to call them:

the ad of the company that did a great job fixing my fridge
Source: Appliance Repair Saskatoon –

I thought the ad was hilarious because it reminds me of the discos my mom used to take me to when I was a kid in California. Love the neon colors! Anyways, this guy came over and fixed our fridge. I was honestly really bummed about my fridge not working for two weeks, got me rather depressed having to argue with my roommates, but the day it was fixed we filled it with cold beers and had a party, lol. I guess the lesson is I write more blog posts when my fridge is running and I’m not depressed.

Being in Saskatoon, however, has made that last part a little hard. I miss my friends and my family, most of all my cat Albert who I had to give away before I moved. I see photos of him often on Instagram so that helps, but I wish I could hear him meow – that little sound he made when I would pick him up and rub my face in his fur… 🙁

Things have been getting better though, emotionally. Writing all this down really helps. Though I bet this elation will only be temporary. Anyway, what other updates can I share of moving to Saskatoon? Oh yeah, have you ever seen Saskatoon?

Source: CKOM 650 AM –

It’s actually quite the beautiful city, the way it crouches on the shoulder of the South Saskatchewan River. There are so many trees, and the suburbs spread on and out so I feel like a cowboy whenever I hit the highway. Each weekend when I’m not working I like to explore a new little piece of Saskatoon. So far it’s all fitting together like a pepperoni pizza. With all that out of the way, I still wouldn’t recommend going on a vacation here. It still has a lot of growing to do when it comes to exciting events and, frankly, outdoor activities. I’m not really into fishing or camping but I have had fun renting RTVs and going nuts in the woods with my roommates. But Saskatoon needs more exciting stuff, if that makes sense. It feels like a small town even though it’s a city.

Oh yeah, and then there’s all the things I look forward to. There’s the Kimchi Canada Festival June 24th, and I love kimchi 🙂

There’s also a girl I’ve been seeing 🙂

Anyway, got to go! More updates soon.